
Words of pleasing

I remember the day when you hold my arm and I felt that something grabbed my mind and soul by holding my arm. Thereafter,it made me more satisfied. 9th Feb 2022 #657


It remained a wonderful day to enjoy the perfection of a person that; how one can manage the qualities and good manner.


Be thankful And receive blessings.

An Injured Bird

Since now, I feel myself like AN INJURED BIRD. Who has lost her will of flying. And looking for just your shelter, in which I could feel myself secure.


وہ آ رہے ہیں وہ آتے ہیں آ رہے ہوں گے شب فراق یہ کہہ کر گزار دی ہم نے فیض احمد فیض الا انتظار اشد منل موت

Nothing Replace none.

You'll always see the worth of something if it becomes nothing, so please give importance to what you have not to what you want.